Anonymous ID: e4254f April 30, 2018, 5:32 p.m. No.1254629   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Shell companies

Conceal ownership

Allow for financial shenanigans

Allow for hidden-hand control


I have no particular sauce on Shell Co

But it might be worth diggers digging

Anonymous ID: e4254f April 30, 2018, 5:37 p.m. No.1254696   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Back to pyramid prosecutions tho.

If we ignore the attorney profit angle for a moment,

There is also a logic to pyramid prosecutions.

Especially in a case so deeply intertwined with all the powers of control as this one.

If prosecutions are to be done in a public way, at least some of them, then it makes sense to adduce the type of evidence that was not acquired through NSA-FiveEyes-CIA-FISA means. Having to use evidence acquired by spying does open a can of worms and also entangles other countries.

So I can see a certain logic to the pyramid prosecution and getting intermediate-level witnesses to flip and testify against the highest-level ones.

We'll see how it goes.

Yes I suppose this thing will be a gravy train for the Esquires for years to come . . . but that's far from being the most important aspect of how the investigation and prosecution phases are conducted IMO.

God bless Patriots.