Anonymous ID: e59715 April 30, 2018, 5:42 p.m. No.1254764   🗄️.is 🔗kun


What I say (a) class action lawsuit?

When is it effective?

Who controls the narrative?

WHO wrote the singular censorship algorithm?

WHO deployed the algorithm?

WHO instructed them to deploy the algorithm?

SAME embed across multiple platforms.


Why is the timing relevant?

Where is @Snowden?

Why did ES leave G?

Why (has) NK out of the news cycle?

Define false flag?

What event(s) (change) the news cycle?

Why didn’t LV change the news cycle?

You have more than (your) know.


Hi Q Team, :)


do the miss-spellings read as … "Isis changed you" ?

It's a mad shot in the dark. ;D



Were the EU hoping to use those Iranian Nukes on their own cities?


After their cities are flooded by millions upon millions of mid east & African people (I read they were looking to accept a further 200 million within their major cities & capitols) they can then use those Nukes on their capitols & with their media control they will blame others, that will spark a far wider war, not a global one, just enough of one to wipe out the now over swollen population of the western World.


They'd no doubt see it as effective population control?