Oh my.
It is strange thought. My whole life is fake or something. It forces me to consider all the people in my life are using me, or inadvertently using me because they are brainwashed themselves.
I will tell you more. All males are programmed "handler". I woke up in a cabal cult under the impression I had been subconsciously instructing or something? I am not sure. I don't even know if it was true. I started to hear the world different. It sort of felt like I was going crazy. But I could see the whole cult structure. It was like they had their own system of synchronicity. I guess that is what I think about the structure. I can't "see" any activity.
Okay. Let me explain. Cause I think it is interesting and relevant. So like, people experience synchronicity/coincidence, whatever you want to call life. I think people experience synchronicity within their "energy" system. Cause we are dealing with occultism or occultist structures that have carried over from the past. I have to consider that all this is leftover from cult activity. I say again. I can't see it. I have never seen anything to say "cult" except weird psychological experiences where I thought I could identify shit that was going on. I think these energy systems, or systems of synchronicity like "attract" or "vacuum" people. There are like places where cult members "go". How are they operating. I don't know. I have considered telepathy. But that seems outrageous. They are not communicating in any way shape or form that I can see. Not regarding anything abnormal. Cause I was totally brainwashed in it all, I couldn't see a thing til I woke up to it and freaked the fuck out. That was years ago. I float back and forth between like attributing my ideas to psychosis and thinking it is real.
Anyway. I was homeless during parts of this period. I could see the trafficking. I was like sitting on top of it. I was plugged into it. But I wasn't "doing" anything. Just standing on the sidewalk watching stuff happen that looked like trafficking. It was like I had always been there, but never noticed the "trafficking". How does woman x know to get in z car? I can't quite say that it makes sense. I may be imagining the trafficking and stuff. The trafficking is really occurring, is it related to some magical cult, I don't know. Whatever I saw had no "external" indications that there was something criminal going on.
Okay. So I am dating this girl. She is my girlfriend. I like her. I wake up to this cult thing, well, i am a male, I have alpha programming. If I have one, I got them all. If MKU, I am like an mku guru. I just don't talk about it cause I don't have any fucking sauce at the end of the day. I might as well be bullshitin. It is also hard to articulate likeโฆ. i saw itโฆ but I didn't see it.