Fellow Anons,
Not boasting, just sharing…
I’ve been able to become successful in life by training my mind to ask itself difficult questions. Open-ended questions force our subconscious minds to “fetch” answers, even when we’re sleeping.
With your collective help, I want to begin compiling a list of questions we should all ask ourselves when working to interpret Q posts (or other ideas from Anons).
Here’s a list to jumpstart the process (please add your questions):
• Is there a second meaning to this?
• Might this mean something different due to the context of this message?
• If I “mirror” this, what is the meaning when backwards?
• Did Q reference this earlier in the crumbs? (go search)
• Does this attach to a time delta to POTUS’ recent twat?
• What’s a great question I could ask the Anons about this that might trigger a new perspective?
• Other than me/my country, who else is impacted by this?
• What is Q asking me/us to do?
• What specific background/skills/experience am I bringing to this particular situation?
• Who do I know personally that could help me interpret/decode this?
That should be enough to get you awesome bastards adding to the list.
I’ll keep updating it and will re-post about once/day.
Love you fuckers (no homo).
Beer at the parade, muh bitches!