I just got done watching the entire video of Diamond and Silk's testimony to Congress. These two women have been supporting POTUS from early on the campaign trail. Such a disgrace to watch how specifically the black Decocratic members of Congress went out of their way to disrespected them and tried to make them look bad. It was exactly as the Democratic party has been doing from the beginning to oppress black Americans. They use ignoramuses like Maxine, and Fredericka, and Shiela Jackson. It was embarrassing to watch the stupidity and hypocrisy of these elected black liberals. Diamond and Silk held their own, but after watching that video it is clear that we're never going to get to consensus or live peacefully with these Democratic party operatives. These people are not just ignorant, they are evil. All of them need to be removed from office, and woke black like Diamind and Silk scare the shit out of them.
Ignore the hate. Its just Chan bitchery.