Anonymous ID: 23855f Jan. 16, 2021, 1:17 p.m. No.12553990   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A few reminders given the current movements taking place.

Yesterday, when Mike Lindell showcased his notes and the fake news picked up on it, notice what happened just a few hours later? Signal crashed due to a massive influx of new users. Now, remember how before George Floyd died, Signal had a massive influx of new users as well? That's because Antifa/BLM use Signal to coordinate.

Ergo, because of Lindell's notes mentioing the very words martial law, Soros got all his goons to flood Signal again. Hmm, I wonder why?

Also remember how because of the first wave of COVID-19, all the prisons released violent prisoners that would later go and participate in the riots? Now pair that up with why the Bureau of Prisons locked all 119 prisons in the United States just now.


These could all be meaningless observations, but it's interesting nonetheless.