Anonymous ID: 7b02ca Jan. 16, 2021, 1:07 p.m. No.12553830   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3856 >>4246


it is all very childish imo. a lot of it does not make sense, ….waiting until their crimes are complete. total bullshit, anyone ever involved in an investigation knows a time comes to move forward, it's never perfect, it's never all encompassing, however Q and by connection Trump with his memes and recognition of the Q storyline has given it credence.


it is really almost like a machine learning program is being run. I honestly don't know utopia everyone on both sides think they are going to achieve.


If the US is flooded with 100 million new people all it will mean is more insanity, and these people are not geniuses no matter how much politicians and leaders think they are.


example, this fucking board doesn't serve it's users well, it serves whoever is running it but the forum format of ending at 751 posts is retarded….. I typed this reply to you in the last thread, I can't finish a thread because it gets filled so quickly, everyone is speed reading, or flooding, no discussion is taking place, which is one of it's first basic premises. The spell checker is not even very good. If discussion does occur, it is quashed by some unknown calling someone else a "faggot".


as for BIG LEAKS, none I have seen, lets see Hillary at a party molesting a child, or Joe Biden at a party clearly molesting an underage girl, even with Hunter Biden, all I ever really saw is a guy who is an exhibitionist, fairly active sex life, which humans do have, and an impressive dick. I would think if you wanted to dump CP on a politician a torrent file, in the middle of the night would end up circulating forever, especially if it was of a highly notable political figure and CP laws be damned. LEO would have to arrest everyone in the county because the interest of the public would be unmanageable.


this is a fucking PYSOP of legendary proportion, some may say it even brought down President Trump because the disbelief became to much for so many to even engage in.

Anonymous ID: 7b02ca Jan. 16, 2021, 1:09 p.m. No.12553856   🗄️.is 🔗kun


since I started my reply to when I finished it 1/7 of the boards volume for posting has been expended. Now I have to race to see, and I will miss 30 to 45% of the board before this ends if I attempt to read all posts.


It's a fucking LARP and should be criminal


If joe Biden is sworn in it damn well will be, or not investigated, with how little faith the public has in all agencies of government.

Anonymous ID: 7b02ca Jan. 16, 2021, 1:32 p.m. No.12554215   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4320


over run with meth, I lived there briefly due to work, nice part of the country but of the people I spoke to they said politicians cared more for a black spotted 3 toed turtle, or whatever the hell than they did the citizens, far to much drugs and social policy changes over peoples lifetimes, for example a guy gets married, loses his marriage, divorces, kids, works, never making much, gets fired, has a bad family or family conections are the same, he ends up homeless, the whole pull yourself up by the boot straps kicks in, he can't do it, gets drunk, sleeps outside, one day turns into the next, next he is offered meth, ppl bitch and moan about china but ppl do have family connections there, they do all live together if they have too, the government does build hundreds of thousands of new homes, there are basic jobs, even if it is working at a factory and living there 5 days of the week, or 7 days of the week, because showers and beds. The US doesn't even do that because, standards

Anonymous ID: 7b02ca Jan. 16, 2021, 1:40 p.m. No.12554320   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I know south koreans, and in korea they have saunas, they are like gyms and they are everywhere without the gym equipment. they are places people stay for 24 hour periods of time, so it is like a gym without the gym equipment. husband argues with the wife, stays at the sauna, wife argues with the husband, stays at the sauna, traveling, stay at the sauna, it cost about 15to20 bucks a night. America has hotels, because no one can stand to be around anyone else. society either works or it doesn't, I am seeing America doesn't fucking work well.

Anonymous ID: 7b02ca Jan. 16, 2021, 1:42 p.m. No.12554372   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4410


WWG1WGA!!!!! <-– everyone is feeling awfully alone right about now.


Civility has broken down to such a degree because muh-internet the capital is surrounded with the worlds finest military firepower.