Is omission a crime? I guess not.
You are presented with relatively irrelevant information by the media compared to the facts that are probably more important.
The media drives the conversation. It doesn't need to tell you which side of the debate to take.
It only needs to dictate what the debate is about.
If the media can create a topic about x, everyone talks about x instead y and z.
It does feel like they are giving you important facts.
The media is providing facts, important ones sometimes.
Just not the ones that are most important.
Or that I think are most important.
I think it is sad.
I think people will "wake up" from it all too.
I don't really want people to "wake up" to my "opinion"
I just want people to know that they are being lied to.
I don't care how they find that out.
It is called digging. One fact leads to another and another.
Eventually, the world isn't turned upside down.
It makes perfect sense to me.
It doesn't change much. It doesn't drastically alter the way I live my life.
I am still a consumer and a citizen with the same ideas about stuff. I dunno.
I just realized who the real enemy was and that wasn't my neighbor.
I am not sure who it is exactly, but I know it isn't my neighbor.
I know people are good inside and it isn't based on how they feel about a political issue or economic system.
People are good because it is human nature. Everyone wants to be good.
I do think someone is being bad.
It is like the cartel or the mafia or some organized crime.
It just doesn't participate in bullshit criminal activity like these small scale cartels and mafias.
In reality, it is just a bunch of business people sitting around negotiating life on their own behalf.
I hope.
At the worst, it is a few masterminds that thought they were going to elevate humanity into the industrial revolutions by steamrolling a western capitalist empire over them in the name of democracy.
I like to think they had good intentions. Everyone knows where that road leads..
I don't know.
What is this military industrial complex? It was here when I was born.
I guess it was here when you were born.
It doesn't seem concerning to everyone.
It concerns me.
It is never really mentioned, but we know, America, is by far, the wealthiest nation with the largest global empire.
I know my history. I know empires fall.
It has happened time and time again. There are signs to indicate an impending collapse.
It generally occurs after expansion.
I am someone that believes in contracting the American empire in a methodical and organized fashion to reduce our global footprint.
I know that when the citizens of a democracy don't participate, the people who benefit most from the system will dominate the controls.
I guess we are citizens of an empire and the world is burning around us while we dine and drink.
The sinking titanic. All the rich people just drinking wine and eating while the ship sank and the Captain said don't worry.
There is a common misconception that this is a stable and well-founded nation.
If you compare the history of the America to a place like China.
China is thousands of years old and America is just a few hundred.
This is called the American experiment.
The Chinese do not believe in democracy.
This is why they have an authoritarian government.
I have started to side with China on this.
I have good reason.
The people of the democracy I live in, they refuse to govern.
The Chinese are laughing their asses off at us as our little "project" showcases they were right about Democracy. It fails.
Democracy is dangerous. It can fall victim to many social ills.
It requires the people be engaged and maintain proper "civic responsibility"
It requires people avoid group-think and stuff. Free and fair press is critical to democracy.
You can look up dangers to democracy and stuff.
But yea. The government is corrupt, the media lies, the businessmen steal and everyone is busy drinking starbucks while the earth is burning. At least it came in a recyclable container.
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
Thomas Jefferson
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 5915fd No.11359925 📁
Oct 30 2020 10:45:10 (EST)
Fact checkers created in effort to reinforce propaganda [digestion]?
The battle to prevent truth from reaching the people.
The battle to maintain and push division.
Divided you are weak.
Divided you fight each other.
Divided you pose no threat.
System of control.
Information warfare.