I know you're a shill. But I'll bite anyway…
Same difference. A nation is a corporation, just not in the commercial sense. The swear an oath to support the Constitution.
I know you're a shill. But I'll bite anyway…
Same difference. A nation is a corporation, just not in the commercial sense. The swear an oath to support the Constitution.
It's a rickroll-type thing.
>is it me or do the the attacks seem full of angry desperation?
Indistinguishable from gloating.
I never read anything into higher than normal shill activity.
Someone is mining anons' IP addresses.
I was suspicious. So I opened in in a Incognito tab, but via clearnet.
The only people we need to be worried about (Google) already track up using YouTube thumbnails from videos that get posted here. Anonymous is a bunch of harmless jokers.
I block img.youtube.com via my hosts file (pic related).