Anonymous ID: 52a5cd Sidney Powell’s Analysis Jan. 16, 2021, 9:10 p.m. No.12561130   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1147 >>1160 >>1209

>>12555255 (pb) Sidney Powell’s post. I nominate her post asNOTABLEbecause it provides a different opinion.


(Let’s break Sidneys words down.

Important sentences areREDand have a “👉🏼“.)


Her message is one of two things, the truth about the current state of affairs with POTUS OR it’s disinformation and contradictory to previous posts from:

>>12553018 (pb) concernfag

>>12553017 (pb) concernfag


So either her post is legit or the posts of concernfags are, as well as from others on this board indicating something IS going to happen or is already habbening!


Time will tell…



>Message from Sidney Powell:


>”All indications are that despite the overwhelming evidence of massive fraud, and more evidence available inside the government, and other legal options available,


👉🏼the President is taking no action to protect the Republic.


👉🏼People around him are limiting his information and lying to him about his legal options.


>The Biden administration will be consolidating power day one and the fascist corporations are already limiting speech and firing freedom lovers.


👉🏼Just look at the military in DC now. Trump did not call them in.


>And all that for a virtual inauguration that no one will attend?! It's all about power and global/communist money. You can see and smell the corruption in DC. It's gone from a swamp to a pure cesspool.


👉🏼There were and have been a lot more people illegally elected than just Biden and Harris."


>The future becomes clear.


👉🏼They are going to remove Biden very early on for taking 140 million from the treasury and handing it to burisma and then Kamala takes over.


>The linked document is not simple, you have to go through it and add it all up, and yes, Pompeo was the one that posted the final number.


👉🏼This cinches it, Trump is OUT.


>They knew damn well for over 5 years that Biden stole this money and then stole an election for him anyway.


👉🏼Why would they do that? So they could play the good guys, impeach a "president" everyone hated RIGHT AWAY (to cheers) and then install Kamala and Pelosi as pres and vice pres.


>Never mind the fact that Biden never even qualified to run for office (for this alone), no, we are not supposed to question that, we are just supposed to accept having Kamala be installed, where she'll then shred the country from sea to shining sea.


👉🏼Now we have the whole plan, Biden can't survive this.


👉🏼Watch what the MSM does with this, they also no doubt knew this all along.


(Linked Document)