Yeah, I couldn't find it either.
After blindly smashing away at my keyboard for hours, I finally decided to look in the catalog and eventually found it as the most current Q research general bread.
Yeah, I couldn't find it either.
After blindly smashing away at my keyboard for hours, I finally decided to look in the catalog and eventually found it as the most current Q research general bread.
>Trannies should not be allowed ~~to hold government jobs~~, especially not to bake on the kun.
>homophobia and the transphobia
These are artificial liberal constructs that have no inherent real meaning.
Homophobia literally means fear of Mankind.
Perhaps you'd like to roll your diversity up and insert it anally.
>Can we keep the homophobia and the transphobia off the QAnon Research board, please?
That you Leaf?
>No, hate speech
This is another artificial Liberal construct.
I hate tripe.
Is that hate speech?