Anons… requesting assistnce..
I think I've found an anomoly in prior bread.
It looks like ID a4f13d is posting COMPLETELY contradictory posts.
I wonder if there are some kind of comms going on here….?
Break it down… same ID chastises another anon for posting a "crap" music vid:
>>12562525 (lb) ID a4f13d
>>12562423 (lb) ID 47c510 (this is "crap anon") vid seems to by Lynyrd Skynyrd "Freebird" in Oakland 7/2/1977… check YT link
OK… here's where it gets fucked up…. SAME ID a4f13d has posted a vid FROM THAT SHOW!
Check it:
>>12562717 (pb) This is a vid of "Sweet Home, Alabama" by Lynyrd Skynerd from the SAME SHOW in Oakland. On 7/2/1977.
I don't really know much about "southern rock" in the 70s but I'm pretty sure these are the most popular LS tunes that you hear on the radio.
Why is this anon saying one is "crap" while posting the other other one with no ironical remarks? To be honest, my musical skills can be improved but these both seem like pretty good tunes of the genrey and plus there are many cute girls at the show? Why is this anon bitching about it?
Maybe it is some comms? This might be a qclue:
>>12562283 (lb) ID a4f13d
Anon here also posted "this video will get Donald Trump elected"… Q has posted this vid multiple times.
WATCH IT (if you haven't) (recently) : "OUR MOVEMENT…" etc.
so UPSHOT: in pb ID a4f13d posts one babelicious Skynyrd vid, but then calls another one crap
maybe fuck muh arrests and solve puzzzle?