what a cast of despicable criminals in that photo !
and they call themselves philanthropists
the irony
what a cast of despicable criminals in that photo !
and they call themselves philanthropists
the irony
4chan is up for me, no issues
I can lurk in 4chan but cannot post
all posting attempts returns a captcha error even though my captcha is correct
isn't the "all caps" name part of the admiralty law trope where we are all owned by "them" when we are born and given a birth(berth) certificate ?
we are all chattels to be traded, by "them"
I read a post here the other day that claimed Trump met the Queen and personally bought out the "USA corporation" from Britain/Queen/paid the "debt" left over form the colonial days
Remember when he walked ahead in front of the Queen and she tagged along like a serf behind him…a very intersting message comes from that scenario
I can access all of 4chan but cannot post, only lurk