Anonymous ID: 3fffd9 April 30, 2018, 8:21 p.m. No.1256988   🗄️.is 🔗kun

One Tzolkin cycle of 260 days is divided in five castles, always following the same sequence: Red, White, Blue, Yellow, and Green. And each Castle has 52 days divided into 4 Wavespells of 13 days each.

In the same way that a Wavespell can be understood as a “week”of 13 days, a Castle can be seen as a “month” of 52 days. You will see below what the castles represent and which Wavespells (WS) each contain.


Red Castle

WS: Red Dragon, White Wizard, Blue Hand, Yellow Sun

What are your goals for this cycle?

Process of Initiation!

White Castle

WS: Red Skywalker, White World Bridger, Blue Storm, Yellow Human

What do you need?

Process of Organization!

Blue Castle

WS: Red Serpent, White Mirror, Blue Monkey, Yellow Seed

Time for chaos and change

Process of Transformation!

Yellow Castle

WS: Red Earth, White Dog, Blue Night, Yellow Warrior

Time of relief to use the lessons learned

Process of Giving!

Green Castle

WS: Red Moon, White Wind, Blue Eagle, Yellow Star

Time to give closure to this cycle

Process of Transcending!

Anonymous ID: 3fffd9 April 30, 2018, 8:22 p.m. No.1257011   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7091

Good: Elohim/plejaren/pleidians (white hats)


Evil: The annunaki/Draco/reptilian/greys (blackhat)

(Angels vs demons) (king Arthur vs the dragon)

Every holy book talks about them and your history is peppered with this stuff.


There are over 5000 unique species of ET (or hybrids) that have visited earth or been born here (you included)


Hallow earth is very real.

Most "aliens" come from inside the earth.


The Draco grey and blackhat alliances have built massive underground bases all over the world. We have been systematically taking them out.


Understand exopolitical events: good vs evil


Not all Draco are evil not all plejaren are good.


Re watch starwars 1-3. It's a giant semi boring federation that argues about what or what not to do, and is plagued by the same style of lobbies and interplanetary corporate entities that we have on earth.


It's a giant effort. Since around the 1500s there have been strict non intervention treaties and projections over the moon/Sky to cover up a lot of covert out/inbound traffic.


The bases are choose for remote location and population educations/isolation.


The Draco "created" the first humans because they were cast out of higher dimensions and unable to reproduce (intervention) / generally lazy.

They needed slaves. Our DNA became a hybrid pool of monkeys and numerous ET.


Different races of humans are related more to different types of ET/hybrids.


Most Postive ETs goals are to seed planets And help the native life flourish.


Mars was much like earth a long time ago until it was destroyed by war with no falactic intervention. Caused a huge problem.


The Draco needed our precious metals ended up ditching a bunch of their people here and those that didn't go underground became "kings".


Now this is really complex, bloodlines allow for reincarnation. Both sides. You do the math. "Moonchild" "demon sex"