I love you to death
>And it should easily be able to pay for itself with Tourism
Especially if there is a permanent heads of traitors hall exhibition complete with a listing of each traitors crimes listed on a plaque under their head on a stick
They will probably will need to add a wing or two onto the building to accommodate this display
whomever made this meme is from my timeline
I couldn't sleep
not sure of that, info was dropped here many breads ago and I checked it out, it was last summer. I researched the website first and made calls to check it out. At the time I used the referral service which costs 90 dollars. I filled out the online form, brief questions basic medical background symptoms etc and then waited for the referral which came later by phone. An appointment was set to do a vid conference with the Dr. that was referred. At the time of the appointment the tech was down, so we just talked by cell phone call and after a brief conversation the nurse practitioner issue a prescription which was filled out of a pharmacy in Florida and shipped to me by post. The perscription was $65 dollars and included the HCCQ , and the zythromax antibiotics, also not included but recommend was Vitamin D3