Anonymous ID: 33a0e5 April 30, 2018, 8:48 p.m. No.1257332   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7421 >>7570


where is the

Toast Mortem anon ?

it seems this baker doesn't do notables very well

the baker left him a notable for #1572


>C'mon anon step up!

C'mon anon BAKER step up yer game!

If you need help gathering notables ask and anons will help

Anonymous ID: 33a0e5 April 30, 2018, 8:52 p.m. No.1257373   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7534 >>7634

Attention anons Attention anons

"You have more than you know" ~ Q


Your continued help collecting Notable posts from each bread is greatly appreciated.

Currently there are two Archives that I know of on 8chan. One on this board


Best Of Bread >>311157

and another >>>/comms/323

with a locked archive >>>/comms/225


Help collect the gems that fall here, they are too ephemeral and precious to disapear in the chaff


ThanQ for all your assistance in collecting Notable posts.


The fruits of our labors should not be lost in the chaff of shills, shitposters & clowns.

EVERYTHING of value should be saved offline on multiple formats.

Recent Posts Of Interest

Please keep in mind, not all of these things are verified. In case you're unaware, you should be critical towards everything you read on the internet.



To submit a post as a notable for the bakers dough, please format your post using the following below. Also, please include sauce with your notable. No sauce, no notable. Call for the bakers attention (Red text is acceptable), link the post number in question and write a short description on the same line as the linked post. Here's an example:





Baker Notable


>>####### <Brief description of notable>



This will accelerate the process of including the notable in the next batch. Thanks for your consideration.

Anonymous ID: 33a0e5 April 30, 2018, 9:11 p.m. No.1257630   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7685 >>7701

cut the baker some slack, anon stepped up when nobody else did!

we all learn from our mistakes, it's one time we truly learn something new

an erro only becomes a mistake when it goes uncorrected