Anonymous ID: 9e9a82 April 30, 2018, 9:35 p.m. No.1257885   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I just swallowed the biggest red pill tonight. After rereading all of he Q drops.


What Q is stopping:


A tiny minority of globalist radical leftist have up until the age of social media been controlling the widest bandwidth of the global information channel, with investment from sources that would prefer us to die in a nuclear holocaust heat death after being kept ignorant by an intentional information war on our minds.


The plan was to dumb us down to such an extent that it would render us unable to comprehend our own enslavement if not annihilation.


North Korea was the testing grounds, and was to be the next secret headquarters of the conspirators, under the guise of a closed communist dictatorship with monopolistic power over the entire globe under threat of permanent nuclear aggression and usage.


But how could they take down the powerful US military?


Can't attack it in front.


Somehow taking executive control over the military and destroying it from the inside out appeared as the only feasible way.


They needed to take control over the Presidency role itself.


They succeeded in 1963 and with the exception of Reagan and now Trump, have used the role to slowly and almost imperceptibly to the masses of people weaken the country's wealth and power.


We were enemy number one because we were the number one capitalist country.


They knew they had to alter the minds of the people away from what made the country wealthy and free.


So they plotted to take over the media, to both ensure their plans were never seriously questioned in the light of transparency and openness, and also to indoctrinate the population via television, newspaper, movies, and music.


They had to take over the educational systems, and get enough generations of children blinded and indoctrinated.


The family lines behind this plot knew it would take generations to take over the world, so they, aha, I laugh at them, had to find some silly rationalization, much akin to a cat chasing a laser pointer, and could only come up with Sunday matinee horror B-movie shit about vampires and blood drinking…aha, yeah, let's talk about how this is happening by some made up laws about blood type.


But red liquid on its own is about as scary as Vincent Price on the Hilarious House of Frightenstein.


"Ah, scuse me, is there anything in the public library available this week on the supernatural fantastical scary but not funny scary shit about blood?"


"Sure, here's some occult shit on blood worship."


"Alright, that works, whew, for a minute there I thought I broke. If I am not the only one, we all should recruit ourselves, procreate with each other, and raise genetically corrupted offspring, to be Hollywood actors, media personalities, authors, teachers, and especially politicians.


We will pay them well with the money we control (plank 5 of communist manifesto), ensuring it is laundered and funneled and turned over enough times to hide its source.


We will give them popularity. The people there love making and watching movies. We will ensure the movies show the people what we want them to see. They will follow the stars.


I want to wrote more….