We aren’t crazy! Had a whole lesson in dental school on why main stream media isn’t to be trusted with science (self.conspiracy)
submitted a minute ago by oliviared52
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We just spent a whole week looking through main stream media articles on scientific topics and how journalists quote scientific studies in places like the huffington post, the Washington post, the New York Times, etc. then had to actually look at the studies to see how the journalist took it out of context. I definitely don’t go to a conservative or religious school or any group typically associated with distrusting main stream media. The whole lesson was we can’t use main stream media as a guide for how to best serve our patients. We need to actually look at the studies. Which seems obvious to us conspiracy theorists but this is something I’ve seen for a while now so feels good we are actually being taught this. Most fun assignment I’ve had to do in a while lol.
PS. It wasn’t anything juicy btw like covid or global warming. Just stuff like how microbes are growing all over our keurigs and the journalist made it sound so scary but when you actually look at the studies its no more microbes or any more dangerous than the ones that are around us constantly all the time anyway. But the overall lesson was cool.