Anonymous ID: 6ae43a April 30, 2018, 10:53 p.m. No.1258572   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8590







Just finished looking over post histories here. These are such obvious (((jidf))) types they can't even get most of their posts right or logical. Many are pure subversive pilpul. Did autism decrease? These posts are specifically designed for that purpose.

Anonymous ID: 6ae43a April 30, 2018, 11:16 p.m. No.1258744   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Logic ain't your strong point. IRAN, regardless of being a sandnigger shithole, will not be 'destroyed' - only the black hat actors removed. DEFINE HOSTAGE.


Now, with convenient foil of iran gone, what purpose does ISRAEL serve? Nothing to US interests. Being an obstacle, on the other hand, is REAL and present THREAT to OUR interests.


WAR with IRAN is what (((they))) want. Conscript jidf types do not know. But the ((masters)) do.


NK was not 'destroyed'. Iran will remain standing. There goes the ((roth)) plan of syria -iran thing.


(((israel))) will no longer be anything other than a 'foreign' nation.


Get it?




TRUE target of this operation is ISRAEL and its disgusting influence in US and the world.


For fuck's sake. REASON. LOGIC.


'muh destroy iran' 'muh ww3 for israel'