Anonymous ID: 87f4db April 30, 2018, 10 p.m. No.1258080   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8166


Anons, someone has been dropping images related to the Tzolkin version of the Mayan Calendar. I first noticed it right after I'd posted about something related to the Cicada 3301 puzzles:


I thought this was strange, because I had been reading about how the first one was solved. There were several steps that share the same form as Q's hints–for instance, 5:5 was a book reference: 5th line, 5th letter on a page. At one point in the first puzzle, people were directed to this reddit page:


At the top of that page is a series of symbols–Mayan numbers.


The Tzolkin castles (red, green, yellow, white, blue) seemed to potentially have some relevance. Each of the "castles" are made up of four "weeks" of 13 days–except they're called "Wavespells." Doing a search for "castle" at, I found seven posts and tried to find some sort of relationship based off of 13. I found quite a few–some more tenuous than others. I've compiled them for you to analyze yourselves.


I see lots of parallels between the Cicada 3301 hints and Q's, except Q's are more difficult and far more voluminous. For instance–some of the texts referred to in the first puzzle are historical texts or come from famous authors, whereas ours seem to barely have a presence on the web. This makes sense, as the original puzzle did not seem as if it were meant for a crowd as large as ours.


I don't believe that this is the single trick that will unravel the entire mystery, but maybe it's meant to be used in conjunction with other tricks.

Maybe it's nothing. Maybe there are several different timetables. Regardless, I think it's something worth keeping in mind.

Anonymous ID: 87f4db April 30, 2018, 10:08 p.m. No.1258164   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8191 >>8299 >>8564


You know what, you just reminded me of something: Operation Smile (Cindy McCain's charity) operates in Jordan:


Isn't it a coincidence that No-Name suddenly drops out of congress right around the time that Pompeo made a special visit?

Anonymous ID: 87f4db April 30, 2018, 10:58 p.m. No.1258606   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8622 >>8650 >>8680 >>8719 >>8730

Nice. They're all truly pathetic. I suspect a lot of them are shills from the Middle East–I mean really, how many anti-Semites do you know irl? I mean, a lot of people are suspicious, and I'm sure that MOSSAD has done some shady shit, especially during Obama's term–but who could blame them, knowing what they knew?


I'm not going to jump to conclusions just yet about where they stand, but so far POTUS has shown solidarity with them, and SA recently spoke on their behalf. My guess is that the majority of anti-Jew shills here are coming from the Shi'a's that know they've been found out.


The reasoning is simple: who has what to gain?


If this are White, American anti-Semites, then truly they're the lowest dogs on the face of the earth–they can't make it in the richest nation, and they're part of the majority race…so they try to find someone to blame–"the Multibillionaire Jews kept me from getting that shift manager promotion at the QwikEMart!"


The only people who have something to gain right now by trying to sway us from Q's message are the Iranians and their allies that just got found out.


And yes, the Rothschilds and Soros are Jews. That doesn't make them the Jews'. Even if a million of them were found to be colluding, that still wouldn't make them "the Jews.'' Anybody that can't discern the difference between individual trees and a forest is definitely that hopeless 4-6%.

Anonymous ID: 87f4db April 30, 2018, 11:07 p.m. No.1258672   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8691 >>8715


Not before the bombs coming your way kill you first.


I bet we lose 50% of the shills on this board in the next month, when the lights go out in Tehran after they pull out of the deal.

Anonymous ID: 87f4db April 30, 2018, 11:12 p.m. No.1258716   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8744


Yep. Makes perfect sense that we would take out their worst enemies before we destroy them. Man, the genius of you guys…you really know what's up, don't you? I mean, I don't claim to know what the whole plan is, but obviously, you've got it down to the letter. Destroy the enemy rather than let them do the work–that'll be fuckin' great!