Anonymous ID: a262ce April 30, 2018, 11:07 p.m. No.1258676   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8721


Sorry this is just massive, massive retardation.


Everytime a face-comparisson-fag shows up, they have the wildest explanations because somebody must be a clone/impostor/puppet/android and so on.


You want to prove shit, do a DNA test. Everything but forensics is just bullshit internet talk out of your asshole.


The pictures you compare are 25 fucking years away from each other. thats like comparing your first school picture to the picture in your driving license.


ALS also lets your muscle shrink. you get in a coma for 6 months, wake up, both your body and your face will have changed massively.


The teeth in his lower jaw are most likely ceramium replacements being there because all other teeth have been lost due to the flesh shrinking over the years. they stick out like pale mountains because there is no flesh left covering them. they are a constant replacement most likely held with screws directly in the bone.


Again. Thats the same retardation I find here a lot when it comes to post like "omg look at this black dude... is he obamas brother?! both black!!!"


When it comes to the ears, you compare a left ear to a right ear. Nor faces nor bodies are symmetrical.


No level up before posting again. Sick and tired of stupid shit like that.


Him being at Pedo Island is the only thing really concerning me.

Anonymous ID: a262ce April 30, 2018, 11:17 p.m. No.1258748   🗄️.is 🔗kun


dont know. no medical background. but I am sure if there is some kind of therapy even stem cell therapy he would have gotten it no matter the costs. also plastic surgery might be a factor here as he has already clearly dental replacements.