This was posted by QVids on Telegram at 12:13 PM EST
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"BREAKING NEWS: A fire has broken out on Capitol Hill. So far, there is no confirmation of this."
This was posted by QVids on Telegram at 12:13 PM EST
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"BREAKING NEWS: A fire has broken out on Capitol Hill. So far, there is no confirmation of this."
C'mon Karen!
You poor ignorant bastard, here's a hint, stop listening to what you hear on TV, [They] are lying to you, start thinking for yourself!
All we want is Freedom! The God given Freedom we were born with, bet you don't believe in God, correct? So here's a thought, you want to shut up people you don't agree with, OK. So what happens tomorrow when [They] tell you, YOU are wrong headed and now it's time for YOU to shut up? You think just because you support [Them] today you'll get a life free pass and live in a utopia? You stupid SOB!
What are you going to do years from now when your "good guys" no longer do what you want, you gonna go vote them out? Kek! What a maroon. Careful what you wish for, you just might get it!
Go cry some more Karen! Mean while we'll fight for Freedom for everyone including you, no need to thank us, your welcome cause with real Freedom you have the right to be a dumbass, we'll put up with you, but we'll also laugh at you too!
Buckle up bittercup, you're in for a bumpy ride! Good luck! I'll keep Praying for all of you dumbasses to wake up!
Yup, the dumbasses don't relize that sure, they'll come for us first if they get in power, but once they have full control, the dumbasses who supported them will be next to be hauled off and line up at the ditch. What will they do, scream; "Hey I'm one of you!" Kek!! All they have to do is pick up a book and read history.
"I hate you because CNN told me I should"
Thank God there's a whole lot more of us than there is of them! Even that they don't realize! Oh yeah, cause CNN didn't tell them that……
A whole lot of Karen's are in for a rude awaking! Popcorn ready, they'll be fun to watch!