Sauce this morning said she sent her letter effective midnight tonight.
Midnight tonight
God has favored nations. He told us that.
His favored nations are the people who pray, praise,repent, ask forgiveness.
WE mean everything to Him.
The Gospel tells us we are the favored who follow him and his will.
We are the church. We are the nation.
>It is much different for God to save someone who lives in deep sin vs. someone who lives in "minor" sin.
Your idea of sin and forgiveness is all wrong. But take it from someone who has been through it all and come out in the right hand of God. Anyone can be forgiven. Always and constantly.
Don't think of it as prayer. think of it as talking/sharing. He is your father. Just talk to him like that.
I've already been through Job. Been in the belly of the beast and survived. I can do it again if needed.
I wanted to say "religious type" prayer but typed to fast.
Satan hates all humans. Doesn't matter where they live.
Or where they were born