Anonymous ID: 59008d April 30, 2018, 11:32 p.m. No.1258825   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>Define the terms of the Iran nuclear deal.

>Does the agreement define & confine cease & desist ‘PRO’ to the republic of Iran?


It created opening for Iran to continue what it does. Gave black hat mullahs something to keep going.


>What if Iran created a classified ‘satellite’ Nuclear facility in Northern Syria?

>What if the program never ceased?

>What other bad actors are possibly involved?


mossad/israel, pakistan, turkey, SA black hats, many many mudslimes, NK, ((roth)) controlled.


>Did the U.S. know?


Only Patriots.


>Where did the cash payments go?

>How many planes delivered?

>Did all planes land in same location?


No, the cash was disbursed between different locations to funnel into other bad actors across the world - NK and pak included.


>Where did the U1 material end up?


syria iranian facility + nk.


>Is this material traceable?


>Define cover.


Cover: mask or false 'surface' material to hide the true nature of a thing. Plausible deniability, masquerade. such as 'russia involvement'.


>What if U1 material ended up in Syria?

>What would be the primary purpose?





>In the movie, where did the material come from?

>What country?




>What would happen if Russia or another foreign state supplied Uranium to Iran/Syria?


The 'cover'. Excuse to start ww3 with russia while isis goes nuclear in the middle east.



>What does U1 provide?


COVER. Snaking its way to various nations, implicating all in a combined psyop to fool the world.


>Define cover.

>Why did we strike Syria?

>Why did we really strike Syria?


Destroying the 'hostage' situation by getting rid of iranian black hat facilities.


>Define cover.

>Patriots in control.



>Knowing what you know now.

>re: Israel disclosure moments ago.


>Why is Sec of State there?


Encouraging israel to go after iranian black hat assets - assuring them to strike and sharing intel. Think COVER?




EU/others black hats are implicated with U1. (((they))) do not want exposure or ruination of the long running intel operation to bring about ww3.


>Think logically.

>France & Germany came to the WH for the sole purpose of pressing POTUS to remain in the deal.

>5% shared.


Annual 5% profit proposed to be shared with US if POTUS agrees to the deal? The annual interest by ((them))?


Or simply 5% of the intel?


>POTUS deCLAS Syria/Iran + U1 connection.

>Where does EU fit in?


(((EU))) at the center since it is ((roth)) creation just like (((israel))). Both are the same things for black hats. Both want ww3, regardless of what the 'sheep' know or want.




Anonymous ID: 59008d April 30, 2018, 11:56 p.m. No.1258943   🗄️.is 🔗kun



A bit of a follow up on that:


Maybe this can convince some of the rabid israel defenders what REALITY is.


YOU may not (or pretend to not) be 'racist' or 'biased'. (((THEY))) are. Israel is #1 pawn of the ((globalist/cabal)) faction. (((they))) are highly motivated by RACIAL and RELIGIOUS HATRED, which is then, using their 'white' appearance, (((projected))) onto the west which ((they/cabal)) have long infiltrated.


Think catholic church and roth loan of 1832. Think 'judeo-christianity' (LIES). Think how fast christians in US CUCK to israel and practically worship israel as some kind of holy kingdom of God (FALSE FALSE FALSE). Think how (((they))) try to brainwash such conservatives into believing that these 'white children' of ours in (((israel))) are 'one of us' fighting against 'scum' of the middle east (scum being correct, but larger picture is important).


What is our mission as PATRIOTS? As AMERICANS?


Is it to do good for (((israel))), a nation driven by foreign, subversive, deception RACIAL and RELIGIOUS agenda that has long professed hatred of whites and the west?


Is it to cover for those jewish/middle eastern pedophiles as (((they))) traffick white children and women to tel aviv from europe and even america?


Is it to cover for those (((scum))) in hollywood that rapes children and vicitmizes minorities while professing to be their 'best friends'?


Is it to brainwash our children through pro-israeli and pro-jewish pro-sandniggerdry propaganda while YOUR tax dollars are sapped away for ((cabal)) purposes and strengthen israel?


ISRAEL is a FOREIGN nation, and NOT a substitute of white christian american model. The (((subversion))) of the church was vital to making this FAKE belief REAL.


While the rapid hatred of mudslimes need to be countered, see how ISRAEL, as ((roth)) established state, GLEEFULLY fleece us, dare to come onto Qresearch board, and DEMAND that you be pro-jew pro-israel (some fucking middle eastern nobodies), or be called 'anti-semite' or 'muh joo shill'.


(((msm))) copycat.






(((they))) ALWAYS project their racial hatred and anxiety onto YOU, making YOU feel as THEY do, try to impose THEIR racial anxieties and fears onto YOU through media depictions of 'fearful whites' vs 'animal minorities' while WHITES or ANY Americans DO NOT NEED to play this game.




Yet, (((they))) project. Brainwash you into fearing what THEY fear, when you DON'T need FEAR to FIGHT. You need COURAGE. Not FEAR.


(((they))) and the ((cabal)) rule, through FEAR and PROJECTION.


Think about jewish/israeli influence in media, political lobbies, etc. Think about their millenia old involvement in flesh trade, slave ownership, slave ship business etc.




Understand, you are being BRAINWASHED. SHAMED into feeling what (((they))), and by extension, ((cabal)) and ((roths)) WANT you to fear.


You can beat back foreign and 'minority' or anti-western anti-american scum WITHOUT this 'semitic' inspired FEAR.




OUR laws, OUR interests FIRST. Not that of israel or jews or any other 'usurper' entities both FOREIGN and DOMESTIC.



Anonymous ID: 59008d May 1, 2018, 12:04 a.m. No.1258976   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8999 >>9018



(((jidf))) shill new tact: inflame racial angle in the most obvious copy cat way, 'demonizing' whites while dividing the board. Make whites and westerners look 'bad' for defending their interests or rallying patriots while dividing the board.

