I kind of think Q is feeding us disinformation on the Hitler/Nazi front for strategic reasons. I am not sure but my theory is that they know the Jew has hit the world with propaganda so deep that normies will ignore all reality if we start saying Hitler was good. They will reject thought and reason and the Jew will get their money´s worth for billions of dollars spent making Nazi´s evil. If this is true Q wants to spin that Hitler was a puppet so we reject the Nazi path in dealing with the Jew Question.
IF Hitler was a puppet then this course is correct. If not they are skirting very close to very bad evil themselves. We should not be lied to about something so fundamental when we are waking up from a world of lies.
Possibly Q is risking all our childrens lives by attempting to down play the Jew. How can we wake up the normies if we cant show them the enormous amount of video of the Jews crimes?
This is a problem for me.