At least north koreans never had to worry about chemtrails.
>you have more than you know
I think Q is trying to slowly drip drip the biggest secret known to mankind
Saw this post over in another thread
What is Q trying to tell us?
why does he say pray so much?
Why did Q, in one of his initial posts, tell us that literally the best thing we could do is pray?
>– stay alert, be vigilant, and above all, please pray.
Does Q know "the secret"?
is he trying to lead reluctant anons to this ultimate red pill, that explains exactly how the cabal has used us to create the world (((THEY))) desire though hollywood movies depicting all the evil things in the world so that we create that reality?
How do we use that same power to create the reality WE want, instead of the reality THEY want.
"arrests" are not the solution we are looking for.
We are.
We have the power
we are the saviors we are waiting for.
The church teaches us to pray WRONG, although it can still be helpful. See the movie 'the secret' to learn all the details of how to really pray and really get results.
Many brave souls have DIED trying to FREE the information in that video from the clutches of the cabal, and place it into the hands of the public, and most of you don't even want to know what it is, because you have been brainwashed and indoctrinated to reject anything 'spiritual', but in this instance good/bad, devil/god doesn't matter. It is a neutral inert power that WORKS if you believe in god or not. atheists can use the power just as strongly as the faithful can. It is the scientific answer to the placebo effect.
Holly fuck was I wrong, I tried it out and have been blown away from the result.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain, the technique is 100% free, it just requires a small amount of practice.
The results are multiplicative, If the newfags would ignore the shills and listen to those of us that have figured it out, and we did join visualizations as a group on the future we all desire together, the inpatient concernfags would have nothing to complain about, the waiting would be over. It's taking so long because people are taking to long to get this far in the redpill process.
They kept bringing me back to the secret, which I already know, and this board. In present space time coordinates of this MBSC I believe my battle is here. I have been adjusting my methods however, as I see you have to if you are the anon I think you are. I love you.
I'm a shill for GOOD, god or no god it doesn't matter to me, technically I'm still agnostic. Karma is my payment. It fuels my powers.
I do look forward to meeting you anon, it might be sooner than you think, I have broken through and regained lucidity, and memory recall of my other state.
My dragon energy and warrior spirit is intense however, intimidates and scares many fellow *-* like ourselves.
Do you do OOB or DS work? do I have permission to attempt contact with you in other planes my namasteanon? I'm new at that, and never tried it with someone who wanted to communicate to me back.
Astral is weird, every time I achieve it, I find myself sometimes in familiar places, other times elsewhere.. but.. strangely, pursued by something.. In that state I can never stop running, but I don't know what is chasing me. I always have an intense desire to go up, but never can, something blocks me, forces me back down when I go to high.
I feel like I'm in one of those Asian movies, leaping through forests, swinging on trees trying to get critical speed to escape whatever is holding me back.
Always prevents me from exploring in detail, or going where I want to go. Always chased, can't stop and smell the flowers, herded so I can't go where I want to go. just jump. can't even run, just jump jump jump as high and far as I can.
When I was really young I did not have that freedom, but the places I ended up where always dark. I saw so many bad things. It was never directed. I just showed up places, now its not like that, I go to familiar places, but then am pursued.
Interesting the change happened around when my military service started, that is also what shut down my abilities and shut of my dreams, but I'm finally getting those back. can even see auras of and on again!
I joined a mass meditation to the galactic federation a few night back, asking to be one of their earth ambassadors. they showed me thousands of light ships dancing around in the sky, it was so amazing. The tree I was next to even got happy about it and it's aura went from dull yellow to glowing so bright and green.
communism and marxism are two sides of the same coin of control. They use two extreme methods of control, and pit them against each other.
KOREA, Both of them, where cabal controlled. Never forget the outing of the previous south Korean leadership, and the cult that controlled them.
They where both the 'test beds' for the rest of the world.
Communism to its extreme tested in the north, capitalism in the extreme tested in the south.
Whatever worked there they slowly roll out to the rest of them.
USA was the evil empire.
Capitalism was just our assigned control mechanism for the identity politics, it is NOT the solution to our problems.
This is why I use a custom JS filter that doesn't hide posts, it just fades them slightly so I can still read them, but non filtered posts pop out.
You are wrong,
Cabal controlled BOTH north AND south korea, BOTH where testbeds for cabal marxist AND capatalist control methods.
Other than that you are correct.
Stop trying to make this political (about the 'isms) it is not, it is about good vs evil, and evil people exerting control over the good.
No it is not.
Individual freedom and liberty is.
handing over all control to the cabal corporations will put us right back where we started again.
that is a great idea anon. We should have an hourly group visualization/prayer for those who have swallowed Q's pray pill.
The more people who participate the faster we will get results.
Cheer up anon, if there are demons in the flesh, it means there are angels in the flesh also. ;)
Right here. We just need to select a target, (a specific targeted positive outcome we can all hold in our minds and FEEL GOOD about (feelings/emotion are required for peak prayer efficiency)
then have an anon post a reminder before prayer time, to help guide everyone to have the same focus. If you throw out ideas for positive outcome targets that can be visualized I'll start keeping a list.
starvation of jews wasn't even planned by germans. ALLIES destroyed supply lines to POW/concentration camps. ALLIES are responsible for those deaths.
Time is already decided, every hour on the hour. 24/7, there is no day or night, this is a worldwide movement.
The asteroid belt is what remains of the last time they pulled the samson option, these people are not above blowing up a planet, harming every soul on it including themselves, and starting over on another planet.