pls no make me go to tor
pls let me keep muh images
pls no make me go to tor
pls let me keep muh images
doom loves company
nigger you have nine say no more
they don't let me say nigger anywhere else and so it makes me want to say nigger kike chink
free speech will win
nigra i got like 11
wanna know how i can tell you are a boomer?
ok, i'll tell you. it's bc you put that godawful unnecessary space below the post number that screams GO BACK TO REDDIT. then you put an unnecessary space after punctuation. you only need one space after punctuation, grandpa. you aren't on a typewriter. the font is no longer monospaced
what in the actual fuck is up with you and the underscore.
i've only had a phone for like 4 years.