I am rational. We have been played. Enjoy gulag.
Pink mist is the only hope.
Just fucking stop. It's pathetic.
Criminality is fully out in the open. It doesn't fucking matter anymore. Muh 2A doesn't matter anymore because there are no men with balls between their legs to enact it. Get used to it. This is Satan's world.
I pity you.
And how are you "oldfag" gonna wage the fucking war? Asking for DS laughing at all of us.
You didn't answer the fucking question. All you hopium huffing faggots are the same.
At least there is honesty in the black pill. This is Satan's world.
>There is this perfect book, but you need a special degree and multiple languages to properly understand.
Drumpf had a son in law in his confidence who makes golem chips at 666 Fifth Avenue.
It is over.
Fuck off with your misspelled copypasta, you worthless faggot.