I know. I get it.
It is the name of the game.
I tell the truth, everyone says shutup.
I say a bit of the truth, people listen a bit.
If I say too much truth, I get the schizo shit.
So. I have found a nice balance sticking to what seems important in this moment, which is doing some work on figuring out who and why this Christian narrative is so jacked up.
I mean. The world is big and people are failing to account for secret military technology. You think everything is about xbox and gmail drafts. It isn't, it is much more complex.
The government doesn't want to release all their super secret brain reading technology to the American public. The government thinks this is dangerous stuff and I agree with them.
The government also does not want to use thought or brain to brain communication in order to incriminate the Cabal. I agree with them.
I fought very hard for this country to prevent this from occurring. I was put on trial for my thoughts. I was doing things with my brain and this voice of God. I do not know what, I did not know it was real, I did report it over and over. I was not listened to.
Anyway. It is just not a game you want to get into.
It is a mess. If we both have microchips that allow us to communicate from brain to brain, and we make a contract about business. Is that legally binding?
This isn't all cut and dry.
If brain microchipping is allowed. It will be, the American public will demand it. Enjoy your mark of the beast. I will forever be against this crap and people will whine at me.
Do what you want.
I have control of all military tech. I have personally decided which technologies will not be released and in which way they will be managed by the proper authorities.
You cannot have a town, that is microchipped in their brain, using a computer in town hall to tell everyone stuff. It is going to happen. Do not microchip yourself so your employer can tell you what to do next at Wal-Mart.
It will become normal.
The Iphone was not always in your hand and the possibility seemed unreasonable to most when it was envisioned.
It is going to happen, before your eyes America.
Just watch.
I am a professional. I run your country. I am a kid with a keyboard talking to God, but apparently the US Military thinks this is alright so they let me do it.
I been lookin' at their shit and trying to figure out what to do with it..
I stand on the side of transparency and declassification, they stand on the side of secrecy and national security. We meet in the middle where it makes sense.