The end won't be for everyone.
When Biden is inaugurated, the majority who "follow" Q will disengage.
Disatified egos (no "I told you so") and missed delivery on imagined/false timetables (2/ 3 yr deltas) will make them label Q as a LARP.
Only the true austists, the dedicated seekers of truth will remain.
The anons who recognize that sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you can see the light, the anons who understand that for the majority of the public to fully comprehend the nature of the evil and corruption they must be shown and not told, the anons who grasp the definition of precipice, these anons anons will stay. The end won't be for everyone, but the choice to know will be yours.
Put on the full armor of God, pray, and have faith patriots.
It had to be this way.