Anonymous ID: 1e83d7 May 1, 2018, 3:26 a.m. No.1259803   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I don't think Q (Pic Related) is a LARP, he knows and has access to stuff that your typical normie doesnt have access to. But what's his motive? To truly MAGA, you NEED to expose the ZOG influence upon the US government, you need to expose the influence that Israel has on the foreign policy of the US. I think we'll see his true allegiance when it comes to the Iran question. The pro-US thing to do would be to leave the ME all together and let SA, Qatar and the other countries take care of Syria and Iran. It would leave Israel pretty vulnerable and this is where we will where they (Q) stand. He said in one of his drops that's he's not talking about Israel on purpose and he was leaving them for last… That's where my bullshit alert went off. Is he a mossad/ZOG psy-op or a 1776Patriot? That's when we'll know.

Anonymous ID: 1e83d7 May 1, 2018, 3:36 a.m. No.1259860   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Many American Jews and Israeli leftists have started to work on a multicultural future for Israel, in the form of an Israeli-Palestinian confederation, something which the hardcore Zionists are appalled by.


Once the realignment is complete, Bibi will have enough clout (and cover) to move in and genocide the Palestinians.


Various eastern European countries are already throwing their weight in with the US and Israel, which will determine Germany to try and change sides because otherwise it will risk getting cut off from Russia and its resources. Merkel has already begun to throw in concessions for the eastern Europeans, and tomorrow she is going to "backstab" Macron and break away from their (overtly the EU's) common policy w.r.t. the US and the resolution of the Israel-Palestine conflict. Expect Germany to begin discussing whether to move its embassy from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem sometime this year.


The western public will be too busy being entertained by the coming "counter-coup" and execution of "the traitors" to notice (or much care) about israel taking complete control of the Palestinian territories, and, under the guise of a fabricated war with the "rebels", genocide them.


Thirsty for more blood (revenge against "the globalist") the western public will also be more open towards more wars in the Middle East. The US and Israel are trying to spark a regime change in Iran as I type this, and the same in Pakistan in collaboration with India (this is why the Hindu's are so fond of Trump). The ultimate goal is the neutralisation of Iran (the last credible threat to Israel in the region) and the denuclearisation of Pakistan (which will have the added benefit of weakening China).