How nice it would be to live in our own palace and not worry about the world outside.
Stop thinking we can isolate ourselves from the rest of the planet. Get the 40,000' view.
How nice it would be to live in our own palace and not worry about the world outside.
Stop thinking we can isolate ourselves from the rest of the planet. Get the 40,000' view.
If you are going to randomly picked lets, why not use the "s" at the beginning of smoothly? SMH
It makes the OIG's decision to NOT prosecute FBI for criminal acts kind of ironic, don't you think? See the OIG report released yesterday.
Then maybe you can explain to me why the OIG has decided NOT to prosecute Special Agents for known felonious, treasonous acts? I can't wrap my head around it.
I'm showing you proof she is not. You gonna be a libtard that takes the word of a dead cabalist or look at what is before your eyes. End of discussion.
I'm aware of that. The DOJ normally does what the OIG recommends. He is privy to all the intel. If the rule of law were in effect, why on earth would he NOT recommend criminal prosecution?
Fuck man, can you be that dumb? How many photos do you have with the appearance of her having a dick? 2. That's it. There are literally hundreds of photos online proving she doesn't. In addition I showed you a photo of her as a child. A girl! You can't dispute that. End of convo.
Did you even read the OIG report released on the website? I thought it has been added to the dough. The OIG clearly states criminal prosecution denied.
It won't be a sealed indictment because the OIG denied criminal prosecution.
I don't give a shit how long we talked about Michelle being a tranny. If you are to stupid to go look it up for yourself, then you are just a brainwashed idiot.
I show proof and you deny it but claim discussions here, without proof, prove it. I'll leave you to your fantasy land.
Is there an official story to Michelle being a tranny? Hadn't seen it, except thru here. You have any legit sauces or just more conspiracy theories?
You're just not getting it. The individual report was officially released on that Special Agent. He is getting a pass. Not going to be prosecuted. Period! It's an official document. The OIG Officially is denying prosecution. It doesn't get any simpler than that.
I 100% know that photo is her.
I don't use jewgle
I understand a hell of a lot more than you
Joan Rivers has nothing to do with the fake photos you are trying to use to prove your case.
The blue dress used to alter the 1 pic I showed you the original, PROVING she has no dick.
I am finished with this conversation. You want to show your ignorance, I don't give a shit.
OK man, you just keep telling yourself that if it helps you feel better. I'll stick to facts.