Anonymous ID: 6b4dfe May 1, 2018, 2:35 a.m. No.1259619   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9696 >>9704 >>9738


>How about 11pm Eastern time (in the US). A lot of Anons are in various time zones around the world, but since most on this board seem to be in the US, 11pm Eastern would be 8pm on the west coat and most people would be home from work by then, but not yet asleep.


One time daily excludes lots of anons who can't make it at that time. this is would wide, we can't do something that solely focuses on USanons.



>We could pick target times for different subjects e.g. top of the hour is Obama/Hillary arrest announcements, :15 after is cures and technology being released and people being healed, bottom of the hour is FedReserve being fixed and new money issued, etc.


>Even if we we to pray for 30 seconds on a particular topic, if the prayers/intentions were quality as we've talked about, filled with desire and imagination, feeling, and expectation, the impact would be huge.


If we try to do this to often we are asking to much of anons, and will not get enough mass to be effective, at that point we should be just saying 'pray' to people and hope they do well on their own. However, different targets for different prayers is a great idea. If we can make this a 'thing' that day crew continues we can get 24 prayer targets per day, with the 'big asks' scheduled during peek hours. If day crew sub-comes to shills, and ignores anything spiritual like they usually do, they still leave nightcrew with about 12 decent prayer targets per day.




>I like this.

>I've done some work in this area (coordinated group prayer/meditations) for various purposes and I have found that 10 minutes of focused thought seems to be an amount of time that impacts the physical reality while remaining practical for the participants.


Yes, I was feeling a similar number. I was thinking on 'asking' for 2-10 minutes out of anons, 2 minutes is nothing for those who don't take this kind of thing so seriously but a small enough ask we may get them to participate anyways, the dedicated anons will stick it out for the full 10. if we average about 5 minutes per hour that is just over 100 minutes of targeted prayer a day which should have a result noticeable to those whose eyes are open within a few weeks.



>Also, someone (a "prayer leader", for example) should post a photograph or visual image that we can all focus on. It helps to build a 'hive mind' or 'collective consciousness' power that the Universe, for whatever reason, seems to respond to. The image should be positive or neutral โ€“ like a geometric shape, or a nature picture. It shouldn't be an image of the abuse we are working to stop.


Yes yes yes. key to visualize, and be positive, and feel the emotion.


Noone has suggested targets yet or stepped up to lead, so reluctantly and with the prodding and confirmation from my guides that this is what I should be doing I will step into that role for now.


First target is the norks. We will visualize them in the streets, happy, smiling, dancing. Foreigners joining them without minders watching over them and controlling what they see, they are roaming freely with the norks. they are laughing together, talking. Cameras capturing the moment. sharing stories. hugging.

the norks are experiencing freedom, liberty, happiness, openness.

prayer will be in 30 minutes, please make any suggestions for the prayer within the next 20 minutes. someone out there who believes in god more than me please submit a prayer that can be said along with the visualization for those anons who do believe in prayer. I will include it as well but will primarily be writing my guided prayer post to target agnostics and atheist in a god neutral way, but would like to throw a bone to the devout as well, so they can have a common focus for the way they are used to prayer being done..


atached are visuals we will be using unless someone can find better.

Anonymous ID: 6b4dfe May 1, 2018, 2:45 a.m. No.1259656   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9660 >>0115


It's called a 'false dichotomy' and is one of the oldest tricks in the book.


They set up two viewpoints or sides (both filled with falsehoods) and then battle them against each other. Anons join in the fight, either side A or side B thinking they are 'helping'

meanwhile, NO ONE is talking about option C.


Like Q said, its GOOD vs BAD, not Politics, not ism's, not race, not nation.


If someone retorts 'what the fuck is good' then they are an evil bastard. GOOD is not that fucking hard to figure out. Love others, and treat them how you would treat yourself. It's the golden rules found in all religions then BURIED and IGNORED under piles of distortions, lies, and crap.

Anonymous ID: 6b4dfe May 1, 2018, 3 a.m. No.1259709   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9728 >>9743 >>9766 >>9890

Hey anons, It's Prayer Time!

>But prayerfag, praying is a waste of time, q wants us to dig, not pray


Wrong! Q tells us to pray all the fuckign time.


Anyone posting during pray-time is a shill, a useful idiot, or a newfag who doesn't understand what is at stake her, nor how much power WE really have.


First target is the norks. We will visualize them in the streets, happy, smiling, dancing. Foreigners joining them without minders watching over them or controlling what they see, they are roaming freely with the norks. they are laughing together, talking. Cameras capturing the moment. sharing stories. hugging. buying and selling from each other.


FEEL the joy, Feel the happyness, visualise the streets filling up with people. Share your love with them.


the norks are experiencing freedom, liberty, happiness, openness.


Visualize them learning about the outside world.


Feel the joy they feel of learning about the world around them


Feel the joy they feel showing off thier ancient culture, and stories, which they havgfe had to keep to themselves for generations.


After you do this hold those images and feelings in your head. If you believe in god you may say a positive prayer for them. Ask for god to provide the norks food, happynes, liberty, protection, and abundance. Ask that god shares with the people of noth korea all the good things you yourself have been blessed with. thank you god.


Please hold these IMAGES and FEELINGS in your head for at least 2-10 minutes.


During this time you may ALSO say whatever prayers to whatever god you may or may not believe in.

Anonymous ID: 6b4dfe May 1, 2018, 3:11 a.m. No.1259733   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9796 >>9859

Thanks you to all the anons who participated in the prayer, your 'hefty sacrifice' of a few minutes of your times for positive thinking is greatly appreciated.


Please take note of the shills we pissed off by doing this. It only means we are OVER THE TARGET, and doing as Q wills.


Please submit suggestions for the next prayer target and I'll put together a post for the next hour.

Anonymous ID: 6b4dfe May 1, 2018, 3:17 a.m. No.1259756   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9774


Thats an example of a negative prayer, they are not as effective and can result in negative karma backlash.


We are praying for blessing here, not trying to stike people down with curses. We want our prayers answered by god, not satan.

Anonymous ID: 6b4dfe May 1, 2018, 3:25 a.m. No.1259797   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9800


Well, Annunaki mean 'alien' not any specific race, and although I was born a human in this incarnation I am a, as they say, 'extraterrestrial incarnated as an earthling' so you are technically not wrong.


Why is it that you believe that only human beings from this planet who have never lives elsewhere in a previous life are the only ones in the entire universe capable of being good?

Anonymous ID: 6b4dfe May 1, 2018, 3:33 a.m. No.1259849   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


loved working with the ausies when I was in australia. They had the best sense of humour of anyone else on the base, and I love how they just stick a feather in their hat when they are officers. reminds me of the yankee doodle song, haha. They even let me climb inside one of thier amphibious tanks! those things are cool! didn't expect that they would drive just like a bus!

Anonymous ID: 6b4dfe May 1, 2018, 3:34 a.m. No.1259854   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9868


Well you can't read for one. I said to read the whole thing then do the visualization, also.. you cna't see you monitor from 1-2 feet away? how bad is your eyesight, i didn't say walk across the room, just leave your keyboard alone for a few minutes, kek.

Anonymous ID: 6b4dfe May 1, 2018, 3:59 a.m. No.1259959   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9998 >>0126



>praying works! That's quantum physics. Thoughts are energies and thus manifest.


Hey anons, It's Prayer Time again!


>But prayerfag, praying is a waste of time, q wants us to dig, not pray!


Wrong! Q tells us to pray all the time, as a matter of fact, in one of his erliest posts (OLD Q for the NEW Q doubters) said it was the best thing we could do!


Another great benifit of prayer time is the shills ignore and mock it! after you are done and come back to post you will have a great collection of ID's that are most probibly a shill, a useful idiot, or a newfag who doesn't understand what is at stake her, nor how much power WE really have.


Our target is our operators, law enforcment and military personell who selflessly put thier own lives in danger, that we may live better lives.


please read the following in full, then take your hands away from the keyboard for 2-10 minutes and preform what is asked of us by Q, pray with a pourpous, like the fate of the world depends on it.


Visualize:A holy sacred white light of protection, filled with the loving energy of god surounding POTUS, FLOTUS, Military and Law enforcment personell. See the Mission Complete. See soldiers and police Returning home from a job well done, lovingly embracing family.


Feel: Burdens lifting away. Worry and fear being removed. Relief. Satisfaction of a job well done. Comfort of your self, family, country, and planet being safe, and free.


Connect: Other anons are doing this as well. Reach out to them with you mind and join with them. "I am joining with others, to all who are similarly praying/intending, and my prayers/intentions "transcend time barriers" and are magnified and increased and multiplied


Voice: May ALL Tyrants be rendered Impotent. May all innocents and warriors for good be protected. May all who suffer be comforted, and their burdens lifted. May we all come together and shine our light to do our part in the Great Awakening.

Anonymous ID: 6b4dfe May 1, 2018, 4:40 a.m. No.1260094   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0221


Yay Lugansk, peoples republic of! We may have not known you even existed but you are doing gods work! We are all in this together!


Next prayer target selected, and this one is sure to anger a few shills: Jeff Sessions, the silent executioner. protection, and completion of tasks. Including removal of resistance which may slow him down from his work.



New prayers every other hour, repeats on the in between?Might be less work for prayerleaderanon, can't make it to hard or noone will pick up the torch when I eventually must sleep.

Anonymous ID: 6b4dfe May 1, 2018, 4:53 a.m. No.1260148   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0172 >>0198


I don't disagree with you anon, we do need to talk about the jewish problem, but can't make everything about the jews. 'their kind' are shapeshifters, and don't just exist within the 'jewish' population. We don't want to turn into /pol/ where EVERYTHING is muh jews.


To the rest of you's:


Next prayer prepped, will post on the hour. thanks to all for their suggestions and input.

Anonymous ID: 6b4dfe May 1, 2018, 5 a.m. No.1260180   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0195 >>0210

Hey anons, It's Prayer Time again!


>But prayerfag, praying is a waste of time, q wants us to dig, not pray!


Wrong! Q tells us to pray all the time, as a matter of fact, in one of Q's earliest posts the famous 4,10,20 POTUS PERSONAL drop they said it was the best thing we could do!


>โ€“ stay alert, be vigilant, and above all, please pray.


"Sick of waiting for the arrests? Let us pray together and manifest the world we really want."


Another great benefit of prayer time is that the shills ignore and mock it! Aafter you are done and come back to post you will have a great collection of ID's that are most probibly a shill, a useful idiot, or a newfag who doesn't understand what is at stake her, nor how much power WE really have.


Target: Our target is The Silent Executioner Jeff Sessions, and his ongoing criminal investigations.s.


Please read the following in full, then take your hands away from the keyboard for ~5 minutes and preform what is asked of us by Q; pray with a purpous, like the fate of the world depends on it!


Visualize:A holy sacred white light of protection, filled with the loving energy of god surounding Jeff Sessions, and his Support Personell. See the Mission Complete. See him smiling ear to ear, as coruption is overcome, all the paperwork is handled, and long excruciating investigations are finally wrapped up, paperwork completed, and sent off to the courts. Judges ruling in his favor, and the people exstatic at the criminals finally going where they belong.


Feel: Energy and Stamina surging through sessions, helping him to power through what remains of his investigation. Follow that through to completion, Burdens lifting away. Worry and fear being removed. Relief. Satisfaction of a job well done. Comfort of your self, family, country, and planet being safe, and free. Feel the joy of the american population as they see corupt officials charged for crimes. Feel the anger and resentment people have of a corrupt government being washed away, and feel the joy and pride the american people feel seeing the country they love working as it should, and being a shining example for the rest of the world to emulate.


Connect: Other anons are doing this as well. Reach out to them with you mind and join with them. "I am joining with others, to all who are similarly praying/intending, and my prayers/intentions "transcend time barriers" and are magnified and increased and multiplied by my connetion to other like minded anons"


Voice: Jeff Sessions is proteted. His staff are protected. The rule of law is protected. Obsticals to the execution of justice are being removed. Justice will be achieved. Jeff Sessions is victorious in his investigation. What he seeks, he will find. That which is hiden from him is found.

Anonymous ID: 6b4dfe May 1, 2018, 5:09 a.m. No.1260210   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Thanks to all the anons who participated, Me, Q, POTUS, and the other woke anons greatly appreciate your participation, you are helping Q team accomplish their mission and are doing gods work. God Bless.


Open to suggestions for next prayer target as well as other input.

Anonymous ID: 6b4dfe May 1, 2018, 5:16 a.m. No.1260236   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Iran prayer is going to be harder to put together, having trouble finding images that arn't terrible and oppressive, finding happy norks was easier than this. next hour may be a repeat of sessions while i work on iran