Anonymous ID: aac425 May 1, 2018, 2:18 a.m. No.1259570   🗄️.is 🔗kun



(((You))) must hate me for bringing this up, right, you zionist shit.


We all see here what you are.


You love McStain and Clinton, don't you. Idiot.


And I filter you now and every next bread with your 60+ shitposts.

Anonymous ID: aac425 May 1, 2018, 3:05 a.m. No.1259717   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9758 >>9806 >>9950 >>9980 >>0129

MEK/MKO is CIA/Mossad run terror organisation in Iran, supported by HRC, McCain and co.


In the beginning, MEK was an opposition group. After their exile, clowns took over MEK. It's has grown into a huge cult with divisions in multiple counties.




In the beginning, MEK used to criticize the Pahlavi dynasty for allying with Israel and Apartheid South Africa, even calling them racist states and demanding cancellation of all political and economic agreements with them. MEK opposed Israeli–Palestinian peace process and was anti-Zionist.


The Central Cadre established contact with the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), by sending emissaries to Paris, Dubai, and Qatar to meet PLO officials. In one occasion, seven leading members of MEK spent several months in the PLO camps in Jordan and Lebanon. On 3 August 1972, they bombed the Jordanian embassy as a means to revenge King Hussein's unleashing his troops on the PLO in 1970.


After their exile, the MEK changed into an 'ally' of Israel in pursuit of its ideological opportunism.


View on the United States


Before their exile, the MEK preached "anti-imperialism" both before and after revolution. The Mojahedin Organization praised writers such as Al-e Ahmad, Saedi and Shariati for being "anti-imperialist". Rajavi in his presidential campaign after revolution used to warn against what he called the "imperialist danger". The matter was so fundamental to MEK that it criticized the Iranian government on that basis, accusing the Islamic Republic of "capitulation to imperialism" and being disloyal to democracy that according to Rajavi was the only means to "safeguard from American imperialism". However, after exile, Rajavi toned down the issues of imperialism, social revolution, and classless society. Instead he stressed on human rights and respect for "personal property" (as opposed to "private property", which capitalists consider to be identical to "personal property" while Marxists do not).


Following the September 11 attacks, the organization publicly condemned the event but its members at the camps reportedly rejoiced and called it "God's revenge on America"


Senator McCain and Maryam Rajavi meet - Senator McCain visits PMOI members in Tirana