Check it Fags……This Major General was n alter boy at St Sabina in Chicago……Michael Phleager ring a bell??
He was with the DEA in Chicago for a year and from there Walker did stints in various cities and abroad. He worked in the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy in the 1990s and after the 9/11 attacks, he spent a year in the Pentagon.
In all, Walker has been with the National Guard and DEA simultaneously for 30 years.
Walker said as a young boy he wanted to be an Army officer, and watching the “Untouchables” as a youth “inspired” him to be a DEA agent.
“As a kid growing up on the South Side of Chicago, I always knew I wanted to serve. I had two ambitions, and I’m at the summit of those ambitions,” Walker said.
Through the years, Walker has stayed in touch with St. Sabina’s Rev. Michael Pfleger. “I know him, he knows my family.”
Pfleger was removed from St. Sabina earlier this month after 40-year-old child sex abuse charges surfaced.
The two have not talked since then. Said Walker, “I’m praying for him. I believe in him. And we’ll see what happens.”