A ID: 265f8c Jan. 18, 2021, 8:52 p.m. No.12598117   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>12597936 - supposedly US state and territory flags. ( from the tweet lit 56 pillars representing 56 states & territories )



Patriot Anons

POTUS & Q team - USA has 50 states, But the rumors < over the past few years maybe changing the outcome of the United States

Rumors of future states

  1. Northan California to merge with East Oregon, SW Idaho NW Nevada will become a state of their own

  2. Virginia will be split up into 3 states west VA central VA & east VA

  3. Some other states are doing the same thing don't have the info yet

  4. Other areas such as Canda, Portia rico, Cuba, & Mexico are going to become part of the United States (note their are more to be added that will be known at a later date)