What if all this political bullshit is simply to out media companies?
All the politicians are white hats?
What if all this political bullshit is simply to out media companies?
All the politicians are white hats?
Crown got the US
Crown got blackmailed by China who got the US
China wanted US Congress so they gave the US to RNC/DNC in return for plentiful favors
Pretty simple if you ask me…
Maxwell - 10:00 AM (according to court docs)
Obamagate - Afternoon (according to Solomon)
Post the real thingy…
72hr+-_yes. Within 72 hours we are go…
]JA[_confirm_route Tunnel_2x84. Julian Assange travel - comms tunnel in
OPERATOR_1010 COMMAND. 1010 has the call
CENTCOM_ONLINE. comms directed by central command
TRAFFIC_REROUTE CONFIRM_RANGE6_+. Planefags needed here to watch for traffic clearances coming soon
TX/RX_500MBs+_yes. Radio Systems moving 500 megabytes of data -
KEY_AES256 PKG+_'[1-99]. Encryption algorithm for declass materials - AES256 which use key and salt below - JE = Jeffrey Epstein
EXTRACT_yes RANGE6 > private static String secretKey = "SHOCK_AND_AWE"; private static String salt = "SAME USED FOR ]JE[";
RED1_clear. RED1 completed Q4414
RED2_clear. RED2 completed Q4414
RED3_clear. RED3 completed Q4414
RED4_clear. RED4 completed Q4414
RED5_clear. RED5 completed Q4414
RED6_active_yes. RED6 in-process Q4414
[ACCESS_CASTLE]. Leadership now In the White House
PREP+_WITSEC. Preparations for POTUS > Witness Security
JBTEC_yes. Land at JBTEC (
PERSONS_3. 3 travelling
PREP_FOR_TD. Prepare for Touch Down (arrival)
IMMEDIATE_13959. Immediate institution of EO 13959 - Addressing the Threat From Securities Investments That Finance Communist Chinese Military Companies
STAGE SET = TRUE. Stage Outside the White House for major address
1600_WW_black_window+OPEN_yes. Spec Ops comms access to WhiteHouse is now open world wide
PREP+_KENNEDY_yes. Prep POTUS and "Kennedy"?
COMMS_+ EDGE_RANGE7_inject. Blocking comms Range7?
RE-ROUTE ALL_RANGE6. All travel thru Range6
[702]_data. Classified data Q4603 - Renegade
TITAN_3 30.8233° N, 111.0037° E_CONFIRM. Missle? 3 Gorges Dam
TITAN_2 30.5020° N, 114.3902° E_CONFIRM. Missle? Wuhan Labs
TITAN_1 39.9055° N, 116.3976° E_CONFIRM. Missle? Tiannamen Square
READY. Command is ready to go
HOLD_UNTIL_19+_COMMAND. Command comes on the 19th Q 562 - Remember This Day - Jan 19, 2018
SCIF_ESTABLISHED. Secure communications established
COMMAND DYESS. Dyess AFB - specialties in Medical, Transport, Federal Law - perfect for Assange movement
OP_VALKYRIE OUTPUT_CONFIRMED. Contingency government in place
PKG+_SENT. Declass Package moved to concerned parties and decrypt key below
KEY = 74686973206973206e6f742061206472696c6c0a.
CONFIRM_yes INITIATE_OP_HOLD > READY. Operation now officially in a pending status awaiting go order on the 19th
PKG+_WRAY DUMP_[56-81]_18. Package sent contains Declass on Wray pages 56-81
PKG+_HASPEL DUMP_[43-49]_18. Package sent contains Declass on Haspel pages 43-49
[SAFECOM]_RELEASE. Airborn for Assange (
.- .-.. .-.. / .- … … . - … / -.. . .. .-.. - -.– . -.. "All Assets Deployed"
Current owners of the US Corporation have been attempting to cause a civil disturbance to being in the UN to take control of the country. While they played their game, Trump took their King (DC) in broad daylight with [their] encouragement.
[They] just haven't figured it out yet…