Beware of these faggots
oh yeah this CIA faggot disclaimer is going to stop the shills like gun laws stops criminals lmao stfu glowing faggot
Baker you need to stop waiting until 720 comments on old bread to start new bread…stop fucking slacking…shills keep shitting your bread
I vote if baker takes forever to post new bread again, change baker..baker may be aiding shills
i dont know what youre referring too
Just kidding its the same shill poster that posts the Moloch and canaanite shit
what a loser lmao, this guy has to shit post for 3 more days knowing hes losing and cant wait to get off the keyboard and stopped getting gang raped by anons hourly
Motherfucked CheKd KeKd and WreKd on that one lmaoooooooooo
i chek whatever i want you faggot IP hopper
Everyone heres knows the crimes of certain people who are jewish
you however, try to make us look like bigots faggot
yes i have words in your comments filtered..i dont ever have to look at your spam
thats the moloch and canaanite posting shill. same text pattern and color scheme