Seeking: Interviews about super solider program.
I am not autist I am just what God sent. Long hair Asian man with long fingernails. If you know, you know.
Seeking: Interviews about super solider program.
I am not autist I am just what God sent. Long hair Asian man with long fingernails. If you know, you know.
No, a long haired Asian man with long fingernails. Lots of interviews. Have they been scrubbed? I smoked too much and captcha was torture. Information war. Where are the interviews?
I'm not talking about him, but he's cool.
I'm looking for interviews about the super soldier program with an Asian man whose job it was to shred classified documents.
Y'all don't think this stops at R v D politics? There's sci-fi shit going on too that goes overlooked. And don't be surprised if DS goes full Bluebeam.
I'll never find it at this rate and all it does is shit the bread. You can overlook things, dear!
I seriously just meant fags.