I've been saying something different. Yes POTUS will be victorious, yes we will have 4 more glorious years, the swamp will be drained, Biden and all the criminals will be brought to justice, et cetera, but the FIRST ARREST will set the tone and be the most shocking.
I don't think it's Biden, or Pelosi, or Obama, or HRC, or any of those crooked politicians.
What Q showed us is even bigger.
Think of the map. Think of the EXTENT of the crimes.
Biggest possible person, the big one, is sitting in the Chair of Peter right now.
Pope Francis.
Except, he's not a pope, he's not a good guy, he's a usurper (look it up), a criminal, and most of the world thinks he's the supreme pontiff of the Holy Catholic Church.
Castle is the Vatican
Rock is Petrus (from the Greek), the name Peter, the ROCK of the Church. This is the name of the pontiff.
In our case, Jorge Bergoglio, like his predecessors from John 23 to Benedict 16, he is an antipope, invalid, uncanonically elected (just like Biden!), and is about to be arrested.
They stole the papal elections beginning in October 1958, JFK could have exposed it so they offed him, Bella Dodd the former Communist confessed how bad the Church was infiltrated, all of these recent "popes" are technically antipopes for various reasons (symbolism will be their downfall)(the new rites of ordination and consecration are provably invalid), this is going to shock and ROCK the world. But also: a great new age is going to begin.