the only time something is "deleted" in what we believe deleted means (erased from existence)
is when there are no duplicates of the data and it is written over. That can be done with hard-drive wipes using piriform or other software.
Even then remnants stay behind. NSA level data scrubbing require 7 times over-write. With bit by bit copying data can then be extracted to be analysed forming patterns and even when data is corrupted can be built to form parts of the original, text, image, video.
I know because I had federal agents take bit by bit copies of my hard drives.
They gave me all my old family photos on corrupted hard drives.
They have a magic little box they plug directly into, dunno what it's called but it's fancy and they said that it's supposed to protect (Me) from them installing malicious software on my computer.
So I got a new computer.
Q is legit, don't worry about the distractions, just keep pressing on fag