Agreed!! And people are saying it's not from Wiki Leaks, but it is formatted to LOOK like it came from Wikileaks? Riiiight. This whole thing taking up all these threads & instantly believed has really discouraged me. So for me, I am only going to listen to posts that are posted on Q's board ONLY. He hasn't even edited that board since the 9th. So he didn't delete anything from there since then
I was in the thread when the 1st screenshot was posted. Every person after that posted & said
>New Q!!!!!
Was a 1 time poster. The people jumping in defending said person about seeing Q's post were also 1 post poster. Then after I posted that fact, each one posted again. It was a quick, swift, multi player con that most here gobbled right up.
Tsk tsk. They are working HARD for their money this week
Saw it 1st last year on half chan. It was a discussion originally from Discord. This new iteration was re-done. The 1st time it was posted it was the discord layout & chat I have no opinion of it one way or the other. I wouldn't put it past Brock & his people but there have been a lot of fake shit over the year with people saying they "infiltrated" a discord server or something.