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Simple. It's more than just security.
Pipelines through Syria for western interests and unfettered acess for Israel to develop Golan Heights oil fields and off-shore Mediterranean oil that can be sold via those same pipelines.
It's always about $$$ and power/influence. Always.
Going out on a limb and guessing that these questions allegedly leaked by Mueller catches Sessions eye and gives him cause to consider the SC by Mueller to be compromised beyond credibility. Which it is.
Does he wait until the OIG report or unrecuse himself soon and intercede?
That would be a BOOM.
The "leak" of Mueller's alleged questions to the press was a leak too far.
Why would the SC leak it? Did SC actually leak it?
Did Rudy Guliani? The WH?
I think this type of "leak" at this point allows Session's to step back into the picture. His silence is deafening at this point.
Part of the plan? Looks that way.