Who gives a fuck?
Not mocking US, anon. Theyrw just havin a little fun with Pedo Joe - and trying to shake a few normies awake. Calm your tits
It isnt the whole board - shill baker in the kitchen and heavy shill presence on the board. Anons arent doing this stupid shit
Braintards who announce 'filtered' and give a flying fuck what Daily Show morans say/think are definitely NOT why I'm here, sugartits
McInerney said in an interview over the weekend that this is not his Telegram. Only sauce i have is my ears so believe what you want. There is a big fake telegram push here today though. Anons know
What if I told you this was ALWAYS going to take 4 years? Q did try to tell you - 'this is not just another 4 yr election'.
Your doubt is your own creation