>>12603577 pb
Ladies, Gentlemen. This generation's D Day has arrived. It will be now or never. The mission is the survival of the Republic. By whatever means necessary.
Remember your oath. Stand with US. Stand for US. Fight for US as we will fight for and with you. The Great Awakening in the next 24 hours must evolve into a Great Reckoning as there will be no other time in our history that we are as strong as we are now.
The "Last Mover Advantage" must be swift, overwhelming, unstoppable and certain. We will not be afforded a second chance. We know very well what they have planned for US.
There have been many important battles fought throughout our history but none more important than this one. It will not be our generation that is looked upon by our children and grandchildren as the ones who lost forever our God given rights. "One nation, Under God, with Liberty and Justice for All". This is our legacy. This is our responsibility, our duty. For God, Country, Family. The fate of our nation is in our hands, your hands. We will not fail.
God Bless President Trump, our Patriots and these United States of America.
Let's Roll.