Anonymous ID: 6b0a99 Jan. 10, 2018, 9:22 p.m. No.18953   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Cant help but think that Loop commented on this article because they are involved somehow in the SWIFT payment terminal breaches between 2015 and 2016. This would give them the ability to falsify transactions at the very minimum. The breaches were eventually tied to the Lazarus group which is supposedly controlled by North Korea's Office 39 AKA the same people Q is fighting right now. They are good friends to have if you are a pension slush fund that is secretly insolvent and trying to cover it up.


Following SWIFT breaches, scrutiny intensifies


"At Loop Capital Markets, Chicago, SWIFT is used for trade instruction, to buy and sell shares, and to verify the reconciliation of trades, said Kevin Byrne, New York-based senior vice president. “Given where things are from a regulatory perspective, every time cash or securities are moved, it's important to ensure the trade was made with the intended recipient,” Mr. Byrne said. “SWIFT adds an element of straight-through processing. To my knowledge, it's the industry standard. But it certainly gives us pause that, though we have good confirmation and reconciliation processes in place, we hear about this and always look at how to improve our process and periodically review our procedures with our compliance and legal people to make sure we're on the right track.”


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