Anonymous ID: b099cc Jan. 13, 2018, 12:23 p.m. No.38239   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0149 >>0163 >>3356 >>3559

To all Anons digging up Loop Capital Info…


Working through digging on a hunch and I think I need some help here. Remember the mission trillions from Leo Wanta? I am starting to think that Loop is laundering that money but I have not found the 'ultimate connection'. Could you please read through this and see if it triggers something in your mind that will get this story into the open. It is really important because this money belongs to ALL Americans. Here is the link. Check to see if anything in this story triggers a connection to Loop. TY

Anonymous ID: b099cc Jan. 13, 2018, 7:32 p.m. No.41759   🗄️.is 🔗kun





I spent all day digging and have not seen the light. Yet, I think the connection is there but the information is difficult to get at. One of the big problems I see is that I have not seen any personal information about Jim Reynolds. I don't think any else has either. He seems to have just appeared out of nowhere and so has Loop Capital. How can that be? Searching for Reynolds is also made more difficult because the name is a common one. One can assume that because he puts a Jr after his name that his father had the same name but I find nothing to substantiate that.


So why do I believe there is a connection to Loop and Wanta? What triggered that thought in my mind was all the information I discovered about Loop's desire invest in private airports and trains. The trigger, of course, was trains. Wanta wanted to use the trillions for a high speed train system. It was confirmed by Q that the Atlanta incident was about Leo Wanta and that the train derailment was in retaliation of that event as trains is Wanta is known for. We also know that Loop wants to privatize the train system. Therefore, these two, Wanta and Reynolds are competitors of sorts. With Wanta free to use the trillions earned for a high speed rail system, Loop capital investments would not be needed.


Furthermore, Loop supposedly got the seed money for Loop from Bill Gates. I question that Loop could have made it's way into such a powerful company with a bit of seed money from Gates. Is it possible that they got hold of some of the money stolen from Wanta during the Bush years? Was this a way to privatize 'public funds'?


I am going to read over the Q crumbs one more time to see if there is anything there that could help along.


This article (from 2006) is an eye opener in terms of what happened during the Bush years and the Wanta money and the involvement of the Vatican. As you probably have noticed that a lot of the information about Wanta has been erased from the internet so I am not sure if it is even possible to substantiate anything in this article:

Anonymous ID: b099cc Jan. 13, 2018, 7:42 p.m. No.41934   🗄️.is 🔗kun




I forgot to mention that in this article it mentions Vince Foster, who supposedly committed suicide right after his meeting with Wanta in Switzerland acting on behalf of the then President Clinton. On an interesting side note, Trump, in May 2016, made comments questioning the validity of the suicide story and called it fishy: