George William (Bill) Foster, Congress. Replaces pedophile Denny Hastert. Campaign contributions from LOOP CAPITAL. Tied to particle physics, according to Wiki.
Loop got a piece of the HCA rip off IPO. Minor, but the other underwriters might be a good connection.
Kishtah v. HCA Holdings, Inc. et al
Federal Civil Lawsuit Tennessee Middle District Court, Case No. 3:11-cv-01098 Select All and paste. Post URL. Or use public file sharing. Scrub meta data.
Q stated board and CEO "Pay to Play". Sounds like CF contributions.
Tony Tam looks like an ok dude. Only problem would be his heading Singapore Investment fund and investments in Citi and UBS. Could tie into moneylaundering. I'll continue cursory checks of others mentioned.
>Tan's tenure at the GIC coincided with moves towards "greater disclosure in the investment fund's activities amid mounting concerns about the secretive fund's influence after high-profile investments in UBS and Citigroup."[26]