Anonymous ID: 0ce070 May 1, 2018, 7:57 a.m. No.1261354   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I see a lot of derailment tactics by clowns here about Iran and how great it was in the 1960's. Don't fall for (((their))) propaganda. Educate yourselves!


Anons should research the history of Iran… (On a certain level, it's quiet similar to NK)


What happened in 1953? Was it a revolution, or was it a coup by the CIA?


Yes, clowns hijacked the country and installed the Shah, after removing the democratically chosen PM Mossadegh.


This is fully documented.


CIA finally admits it masterminded Iran’s 1953 coup


Documents shedding light on CIA-orchestrated Iranian coup of ’53 released by State Dept


In the revolution of 1979, the Iranian people took their country back from the Cabal who would have turned it into a liberal sell out. The Iranian understood in time that (((they))) did not bring freedom.


Opposition group MEK = CIA/Deep State op


The 'opposition' group MEK/MKO, run by cult leader Rajavi is, with the help of CIA (+ McStain, HRC and the zionist deepstate) trying to bring the regime down with another coup.





Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MEK or MKO)