Anonymous ID: 690490 May 1, 2018, 8:09 a.m. No.1261450   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Ephesians 5:22โ€“24

Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. 24 Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands.


Seriously? I bet Paul wrote this, he was not even a apostle. And he most definitely did not know women. kek kek


But there is a lot of talk about Bride of Christ, Bride of Church. Bride this bride that. I remembered reading about this in the nag hammadi but when I went back to look was kind of amazed at all the complexity of the writings there. I hope those who reviewed the nag hammadi texts are not too discouraged if they are finding them difficult to decipher. In time all can be sorted out, they are basically about the Great Awakening.


There is, however a very important โ€œConceptโ€ regarding The Bride. When we were first created out of the mind of THE ALL the first spiritual being was called Father. He then created out of his mind Mother and gave her creative power. Together they created Son. This is true. But what are Father, Mother and Son like? What are their personalities? It kind of matters since they are the first and their energy permeates our whole grain of sand on the beach of the ALL. As it turns out the whole grain of sand on the beach of the ALL were themselves responsible for the choosing! This was a very important decision as you can imagine the impact of this selection would have on ALL of us. Over thousands of years, really too numerous to count the search began.


Just very recently, in the big scheme of things the original Trinity has been selected. There is great excitement over this as you can imagine. So who are they? It is not hard to guess who the Son is, of course he is Jesus. Ok, one out the way, two more to go, Father and Mother. This proved to be more difficult. The spirits, not in Form tried all kind of combinations of โ€œparentsโ€ for Jesus. Lots of picks that would seem to be the suitable parents for Jesus, all kind of nobility, scholarly you name it. Ahh, then came that great moment in time when Jesus got just the right parents. Father, who he is for another chapter, and no it was not Joseph or โ€œGodโ€, he was a real man and a Great one at that no big surprise there) and mother Mary โ€œThe Brideโ€ and no she is not beautiful and all sweet and agreeable. But she does love and adore Men. She lets Men be Men. She expects All to live a righteous life and She expects All to take care of the beautiful environment that has been provided for us including all the creatures that share it.


Once this Trinity had been selected by the Universe and consummated the Great Awakening could proceed.


PS. Oh I seeโ€ฆ, Bride of chucky, Bride of Frankenstein the universe really does have a great sense of humor. kek kek